Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Korker Hair bows

Supplies needed:
Ribbon colors of your choice (approx 24" per dowel) Ribbon size also depends on how Big you want your korkers to be. (ex. 1/4", 3/8" 5/8")
Single color of 1/8" polyester ribbon (this is used to tie the ribbons together)
*for a smaller korker bow, you will need approx 3-5 dowels of ribbon
** for a fuller korker bow, you will need 6-8 dowels of ribbon
Dowels (size depends on thickness of curl)
Hair clip
Clothes pins
Hot glue gun

Wrap the ribbon on your dowels and hold the ends together with clothes pins.
Preheat your oven to 275 and cook your ribbon for 23-25 minutes (you dont need to do anything to ribbon, just cook it on a cookie sheet)
Let the ribbon cool.
Un ravel the ribbon and it should be curly.
Cut the ribbon to the length you want it ( i usually do about 6-8 curls)
lay the 1/8" ribbon out on the table
arrange your curly ribbon in the order of colors you want on top of the 1/8" ribbon
Take both ends of your 1/8" ribbon and tie a knot in the middle. it should pull all the curly ribbons together. It should be cute and fluffy!!
Hot glue your ribbon onto a hair clip.. let dry and let everyone ohh and awww at your cute new bow!
lay down