Sunday, April 11, 2010

classes for the week

Tuesday April 13 @ 6 pm- Basic Beading with Tristan Fee: $10.00
Earring Making

Saturday April 17 @ 8 am- Quilting Bee Class Program (block of the month)

Receive a bonus pack of fabric with your payment in full. Instruction from Dr. Emma Gebo, store owner ; Renee’ Barber, store manager; Linda Christensen, Quilt instructor; and the SIERRA’S Staff. Each class will include history of Women and families as they moved westward during the 1800’s. Find out how they survived, and what they ate. Learn their stories of sacrifice, hardship, and joy. Become a part of the Quilting Bee and share your own history. This is an opportunity to learn and have fun. Never Quilted before? This quilt program is a great way to get started. Learn a new block used during the 1800’s each month. Join us for Friendship, Sharing, Recipets (recipes), History, Quilting, Trading and Just plain FUN!

Prairie Crafting is being offered to children 8 and over who have an adult attending the Quilting Bee at the same time. They will participate in the class and then Renee’ will teach them early prairie crafts. Free..Weaving will be featured this month.

Saturday April 17 @ 12-2 Just Bead It. FREE

Basic Beading Techniques.. Mod KNOTS.