Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas Card Holder


12 X 12 canvas
12 x 16 canvas
Red Creamcoat
12 x 12 printed paper
6 different 1/2 yard length
Clear gel glue
Vinyl saying and snowflake

Directions:*Paint 12 x 12 canvas red. You may need to apply 3-4 coats.

*Cut large parakeet colored snowflake in half. Set aside one medium green snowflake and one small parakeet snowflake.

*Start applying the vinyl snowflakes and red dots to the 12 x 16" Canvas. Cut ribbon in to 18" length

*On the 12 x 16" canvas measure 2-3 inches down from top of canvas and staple end of ribbon into back of canvas. Continue to go down 2-3 inches on canvas and staple 5 different colored ribbons.

*Save one strip of ribbon for the 12 X 12" canvas

*Cut a strip of printed paper that measures 12 X 4, using the clear gel glue adhere to bottome part of 12 X 12 painted canvas

* Run the saved ribbon across the top of paper and tack to the backside of canvas.

* Apply the saved green and parakeet snowflake to the top of the paper on the 12 x 12 canvas.

Hang in your home to display your christmas cards.