Monday, May 31, 2010
Cookie Cutters

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Why i craft...
Meet Alexia age 5. She came in with her mom and stopped by the demo on how to make hair bows. She was in awe with the different types of bows we were making. Her mom learned how to make different bows and was excited that she would not have to spend $5.00 per bow anymore! If you are one of those mom's that want to learn how to make bows, Join us every other saturday for different bow projects @ 1pm. Check the class calendar for class information.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Meet Elise
I craft because i love putting things together and crafting you can take just about anything and get something. With cross stitching, i love seeing the picture come together. I love the self stick mounting board because when i frame a cross stitch and don't want to mount it, this board will hold it flat and you can still stretch the fabric so it wont have the wrinkles. It can be cut to ANY size!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ribbon Headband.
Need a cute idea to do with all of our new ribbon?? Why not make one of these CUTE Ribbon headbands.
Plain plastic headband
2 yds 5/8" Ribbon
Bling or Gemdrops
Fabri-tac glue
*Wrap the headband with your ribbon of choice, glue to headband as you wrap.
*Take the stamen out of the center of the flower (makes it to bulky to lay down on the headband) Or Create your flower using the Bo Bunny Flowers and glue the flowers together
*Glue the flower to the spot you want the flower to sit.
If using a feather, lay flower on top of the feathers
*Add bling or gemdrops to the center of your flower where you removed the Stamen.
Let Dry
Now you can wear it!
Monday, May 24, 2010

Come check out our bow/ribbon section. We have just ordered a bunch of HOT new colors for you to choose from. We also have Bo Bunny flower packs for 3.99. Different color pedals to make that special "flower" for your little girl's or even YOUR Hair! Join us this saturday May 29 from 1-2 and learn how to make Korkers.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Stop by our stop and check out our NEW BEADS!! Also check out the discounted BEAD DEAL table. We have some beads on clearance. We are making room for all our new beads coming in! Come by and Check it out!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sad News
We are sorry to let you know that our dear friend and special employee Martha Taucher passed away today. We are truly sad about this wonderful person leaving us. She will be greatly missed by our customers and those who attended her embroidery group here at the store.
Quilt Market in Minneapolis

I went to a class today on how they make Batiks. It was really fascinating! It takes 5-7 days to make the fabric. The first round takes a team of 5. They scrunch up the fabric, then sponge the first color and then the second color. They then pull the fabric up into cone and dap soda ash on the fabric. It is inspected and layed out to dry. After the color is right , they use a copper chop(see picture above) to put the wax design on. All of this is done by hand! No machine involved. They boil the fabric to remove the wax and then put it through a washing process where a machine washes and steams the fabric. It is then dried and rolled onto rolls.
We spent the day at School House while we saw some previews of the different fabrics, patterns books and techniques that will be offered at Quilt Market tomorrow.
We will keep everyone informed of what we are finding.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Meet David
I Love to paint and draw. I enjoy running and watching football. I believe in neatness and organization around my home. I enjoy the peace and quiet of the outdoors and like to relax during thunderstorms. Mediation is a part of my daily life to clear my mind. I am a plain old country boy who thinks material things are of NO value. Enjoy each day as I'm blessed with it. I love the art of framing as there are so many ways to express yourself. Always a way to please people with my work.
I Like to craft because its relaxing and gives me a chance to share with others things made from the heart. I love the large selection of canvas and frames. It gives me a variety but not to Limit myself.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wrapped bottles
Monday, May 17, 2010
Itty Bitty Baby Crochet Class

Melody will be teaching a class on making the cherry swimsuit outfit from crochet cotton. Join us on this Thursday at 1 pm to get started on making fun clothes for this cute doll. Class limit is 6 so sign up soon! Class fee is $20.00 and you will recieve a baby doll, the itty bitty baby crochet book, and crochet cotton.
If you already have the itty bitty baby, book and crochet cotton the class fee is $5.00.
Pandora Style Bracelet
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Classes for the Week
Tuesday May 18 @ 6pm Beading Class Fee 15.00
Come learn how to make Swarovski Bracelet using the Swarovski crystals.
Thursday May 20 @ 1 pm Crochet Time "Bitty Babies" Class Fee $20.00 (includes supplies, baby and book)
**If you already have a bitty baby and book, the class fee is only 5.00** Class limit is 6.. HURRY and register now!
Saturday May 22 12-2pm. Beading workshop Make N Take $2.00
DIY Letter Block Pendants
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Quilting Bee

It's amazing how quickly the last 9 months have gone. Our 1800's Oregon Trail Quilting Bee quilt is finished and we will now be preparing for our new quilt class to start in September.
Save the Date for September 11 @ 8 am where we will begin our
"Idaho Treasures" quilt.
It will span the last century in quilt blocks, fabrics, history and your stories.
Emma and Renee' leave on Wednesday for Quilt Market where we will search high and low for the perfect fabrics to bring in for our new quilt program.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Dolly and Me
Our Dolly and Me Features 18" dolls, doll shoes, socks, hangers and doll clothes patterns. We have 15 colors of tulle so you can make the dolly and me Tutus. We also carry two different patterns for 13" rag dolls with quilt and clothes. The prairie doll also comes with a pattern for a mini stick horse. Pick up a free pattern for this EASY no sew project!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Designer Tips- Wall Panels
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Meet Alexa
I love to craft for a few different reasons. #1- I make most of my decorations in my home (primarily my boys rooms) because its cheaper for me to do it and I'm picky and i want things exactly the way i want them. #2- Its relaxing and really the only "ME" time i get.
My favorite product in the store is kind of embarrassing BUT its modge podge. I use it on all sorts of projects, from a canvas with printed photos on it to a toy box with my sons name on it. Its pretty basic but i rely on it so much and i always LOVE my results!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Fun Travel Game
12x12 Tin sheet
12x12 unfinished wood frame
12x12 scrapbook paper
1 appleletters game (pear or banana grams works too)
Rit liquid dye
Flexible magnet tape
Matte Spray sealer
* Paint frame using rit dye. Apply with soft absorbant cloth. Let Dry.
* Spray frame with sealer.
*Glue tin sheet to Frame
*Glue scrapbook paper tin sheet.
*Cut magnet tape in peices small enough to fit on the back of your game tiles.
*Adhere magnets to tiles
* Play a fun game!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Life Size Faux Trees
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Classes for the Week
Come learn how to make these Loops Earrings.
Saturday May 15 @ 8 am- Quilting Bee
Saturday May 15 12-2 Bead workshop. Beaded watch bands
Saturday May 15 1 pm Decorated Headbands. 4.00 includes all supplies
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Our Shop Hop...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Meet Carol

I was born and raised in Idaho
My favorite product in the store is CERAMCOAT PAINTS. They are a great crafting paint. I do a lot of ceramics and ceramcoat paints are what I use for my ceramics. They spread smoothly and usually cover in one coat.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Button Pendant

Here is an Easy way to make a FUN, funk and new style pendant. Layer 3 or 4 different size buttons by gluing them on top of each other. Add a bail to the back of the bottom button. Let it dry! You can buy a set of buttons from the new COORDINATES collection from LaMode, or you can pick your own stash from our Bulk Button box.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Celebrate Scrapbook month!

The SLICE is a cordless digital design cutter. It weighs less than 2 lbs and is portable. Great for taking to a crop night. Easy to use! Exclusive designs and the package contains everything to get started!

Renee' LOVES her slice at home. You can use it for scrapbooking, card making, and cutting on vinyl letters to use for your home or your car.
Vinyl colors in our store are: black, brown, white, gold, red, silver, green, orange, yellow, pink,& blue
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Classes for this week

Tuesday May 4th @ 6pm Watches in the Bead shop. $5.00 plus the cost of your beads.
We will supply the wire, glue and instructions. If you need a watch face, we have over 80 styles to choose from
Thursday May 6th @ 1 pm Crochet a kitchen towel topper. $5.00 fee includes supplies.
Learn how to crochet a top for a kitchen towel to hang over your stove.

We will be making a scrapbook page for MOM. Join us for this fun Make N Take class. DOOR PRIZES!!
Saturday May 8th 12-2pm- Wire wrapping workshop. Make N Take fee $5.00
Come learn the techniques for making Wire Wrapped jewelry.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Why I love to Shop Hop!
Why I love to Scrapbook!...
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