Amazing Race:
Valentine Edition 2010
These men were sent on a race for Valentines day and ended up in Sierra's with a mission to find a bouquet of flowers for each of their wives at no cost. HELP!!
Of course here at Sierra's we put them to work on CRAFTING their floral bouquets . We had them go and get sticks off the tree out front and gave them a box of tissues, floral tape, glue, glitter, ribbon and pens, then let them loose to find their "inner creative self".
They had a fantastic time making their special Valentine flowers and cards for their wives. All which was video taped for proof that they did it themselves.
Great Job guys, your wives are lucky to have you! You were good sports on this endeavor.
Don't forget that we are always willing to help you find your "inner creative self". Our creative staff can help you figure out your next creative venture.
SIERRA'S where ideas and inspiration are ALWAYS FREE!