Sierra’s has everything you need to recreate one of this springs hottest trends in home décor and design.
The monochromatic look:
This look is created by using flowers, baskets, fillers, etc. of just one color to create a display with high visual impact Using Different shadows’ and tones of your chosen color can be incorporated to give your display more depth and interest. Make your own monochromatic display by picking from our large selection of flower stems and bunches, lined baskets, faux fruit, /décor gems, and other garden accessories
Don't Forget about our “Not Your Everyday OLD BAG” Personalized Bag Contest. Buy your reusable SIERRA’S Bag and Decorate it any way that suits your personality.Bring it back in for SHOW AND TELL then We will take a picture of your bag to be shown on our blog plus we will put the bag picture on our contest board for the June 6th VOTE day! Enter your name in for a $20.00 gift certificate drawing, just for participating!! Contest takes place April 24 thru June 5. Voting will take place on June 6 for our Grand Prize Bag Full of Fun!!