Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sierra's Christmas Blowout Sale!
We are having our Annual Christmas Blowout Sale! Items are on sale starting at 50% off up to 80% off the ORIGNIAL price!! We also have our 2012 Calendars on sale for just 10.00 reg price up to 16.99! Hurry in as the sale is limited to stock on hand! Clearnace, red-tag and closout items are non returnable. All sales final!! All discounts taken off of original MSRP Pricing!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Color A Plate
Christmas Eve is tomorrow!! Do you need a plate to put your Santa Cookies on?? Do you need a fun and easy craft for the children to do?? We have a GREAT idea for you!! We have these fun color a plate where the kids get to color the picture and place under the plastic plate for Santa's Cookie!! Only 1.29!! Hurry in, Christmas is literally right around the CORNER!!
2 Days till Christmas Game Coutndown: BLOKUS
Only 2 Days till Christmas Game Coutdown: Blokus Reg 38.99 ON SALE FOR 24.99!!Be the First player to lay all your tiles out onto the board! Each player must begin at one of the corners of the board Each new piece that is placed on the board must touch another piece of the same color, but it can only touch at the corners, never along the sides ... ... When a player is blocked and can no longer place any pieces on the board, They must miss his/her turn. The other players continue in the normal order of play until no one can place any more pieces on the board. Calculating points : When all the players are blocked, each person counts the number of squares that was unable to place on the board and calculates their score : Each square which is not placed on the board counts as a negative point. A bonus of 15 points is awarded if all 21 pieces have been placed on the board. This bonus is increased to 20 points if the 21 pieces were placed on the board with the single square being placed last. WARNING!! THIS GAME IS ADDICTING!See More
Donate to the Idaho Food Bank!
Help us reach our goal of Donating 1500.00 to the Idaho Food Bank. Did you know that for every dollar you donate turns into 10.00 worth of food?? All we ask if you would donate a minimum of 2.oo dollars, we will provide you with a CUTE Christmas bag. These make great great bags for wrapping your bulky, weird shaped Christmas gifts! Hurry in today or tomorrow and help us reach that goal!! Christmas is right around the Corner!! THANKS!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
3 days till Christmas!

Lumps: the elf coal gameThe lumps legend: Children around the world have been so good the past few years; Lumps of coal have built up at the North Pole. Puzzled by what to do with the coal; Santa’s elves decided to create a game that used lumps of coal of all shapes and sizes. The game is so much fun, for the first time, children are excited to get lumps of coal in their stocking! Or pick up the LUMPS original game Score the most points in 3 rolls by rolling pairs of the same number. Roll a pair of 3s, score 3 points… a pair of 10s scores 10 points. But each die is different and there are few high numbers. Do you play it safe and hold a pair of 4s, or chance it and try for a high pair? The endless possibilities make Lumps exciting and addictive.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
4 Days till Christmas Game Countdown: Gobblet Gobblers
Only 4 days till Christmas!! Gobblet Gobblers is a GREAT family game.
Line up three of your Gobblers in a row to win! These cute characters are hungry for Fun.... and other Gobblers. Test your memory and appetite for laughs with this easy to learn, quick game of strategy. Gobblet Gobblers provides hours of fun for the whole family!
Come into the store today for a special coupon to use!! Hurry in and check out our HUGE game selection.
Santa Magic Key
This is a CUTE idea for Christmas. Its a "special" key for santa for those of use families who dont have a fireplace.
* 1 large metal key
* Glitter glue
* Ribbon
* 6 X 6 Cardstock
* Chirsmtas embellishments
* Copy of poem
1. Glue the edges of the key with the glitter glue, let it dry.
2. Cut the 6 x 6 paper into shapes of a tag.
3. Type up the poem and glue to tag, then embellish as desired.
4. Tie the tage to your key with ribbon and hang up for santa.
Santa's Magic Key
Its the night before christmas
I'm excited as can be
Beacause my mommy told me
About a very specail key!
If you can't shimmy down the chimmney
You can tiptoe through the door
Use the magic in this special key
To find cookies, milk and More!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
5 days until Christmas../Korkers!

KORKERS and other hair bows
Here is fun and easy project that you and the girls can make to wear in their hair for the holidays.
You will need:
4 pieces of 1/4" wide ribbon that are 12" long
Select the ribbons in your colors of choice
- Wind each piece of ribbon around a 1/4 inch thick dowl.
- Place wooden clothes pins on the ends to secure the ribbon
- Bake in a 275 degree oven for 20-25 minutes
- Remove the backed and curled pieces from the dowels
- Wrap or tie the 4 pices together in the center and secure to a hair barrette.
Place in the hair and let everyone ooooh & aaahh!
Friday, December 16, 2011
9 days till Christmas Game Countdown: Sketch It!
Roll the die, grab your pencil, and Go! Sketch too quickly, and the others will be baffled. Sketch too carefully, and you'll miss your chance to score big! You don't need to be an artist to excel at Sketch it! With a healthy mix of accurate sketching and sharp quessing, you will surely triumph.
Stop into the store for a special coupon to use today only!
Stop into the store for a special coupon to use today only!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Gift Baskets

Did you know that its only 10 days till Christmas?? Have you not gotten your neighbor gifts done?? Let us help you out! Come in and get your baskets Reg 4.99 to 8.99 for 50% off!! We also have your cello wrap and lots of things to fill your basket with! Grab some Mini Loaf pans and bake your bread in the pan. let cool and put into the basket for a yummy treat! Small loaf pans are 4 for $5.00! Hurry in... Christmas is just around the corner!
10 days till Christmas Countdown: Splish Splash

This Game is Swimming with FUN! Jump right into this game that's sure to make a splash. Roll the die and the drop the wooden pebble into the pond. Did any colorful shapes splash out?? If so, Match them to your play board. Be the first to fill up your board! This is a GREAT game for adults to play with their children or for Children to play with friends! No Reading Required! Come into our store today and pick up a special coupon to use on this game! This would make a great Christmas Gift!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
11 Days till Christmas Game Countdown: Curses

You have two actions in each turn of this party game, the first is to draw a challenge card, which will give you an action that you must perform. It could be a role you have to act out, a story to tell, or an opinion to explain. this really doesn't have any direct bearing on the game. It is a means to get to and then play off of the second type of card you draw at the end of your turn, which is a curse card.
The curse cards are played on other players and force them to continually perform certain actions, such as barking like a dog whenever the player to the right reads a card or hold on to the card with both hands at all times. If another player notices that you are not performing your action, you "break the curse" and turn it face down in front of you. In fairy tales, breaking a curse is a good thing, but not in this game. When you break three curses, you are eliminated from the game, although you are still available to have actions performed on (such as "The other people in the room are electrified. Each time you contact one of them you get a big shock.")
The last player with a curse remaining wins.
The curse cards are played on other players and force them to continually perform certain actions, such as barking like a dog whenever the player to the right reads a card or hold on to the card with both hands at all times. If another player notices that you are not performing your action, you "break the curse" and turn it face down in front of you. In fairy tales, breaking a curse is a good thing, but not in this game. When you break three curses, you are eliminated from the game, although you are still available to have actions performed on (such as "The other people in the room are electrified. Each time you contact one of them you get a big shock.")
The last player with a curse remaining wins.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
12 days till Christmas Game Countdown: Quiddlers
Come into the store to join us in our Annual Bag Sale.. Shove all the games you want into the bag and receive 25% off the orginal price of EACH game! These make great stocking stuffers or gifts for christmas!
Monday, December 12, 2011

COME JOIN US TODAY FOR OUR ANNUAL BAG SALE! Shop with your BIG bag and save 25% off the original price of everything you can fit into the bag. Spend $40.00 or more and receive a Pinecone Charger Plate FREE!! Consult the Bag Sale Information sheet attached to the bag for restrictions and exclusions! COME IN AND HAVE FUN!!

Can you harness the magnets power to outwit your opponents? As the board fills with magnetic stones, you must use thier force to your advantage. So... Plot your move: decide where and how you'll play your next magnet. Place it onto the force field.. Will you be safe??? or SORRY!
Visit for more gameplay tips and ideas.
Come into our store and recieve a special coupon to use on this game.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Sweets Exchange Ideas...

Its that time of year again! Plan a date with the Girls... drink cider, coffee or hot chocolate and eat desserts!! Also, make sure you bring enough to send home with each person..
- Your treats SHOULD be homemade but not required.
- Bring your treats starting at 2 dozen or more depending on the size of your group.
- RSVP with the type of treats your will be bringing to try and avoid duplicate treats.
- Arrange your treats in a decorative way.
- If you homemade your treats, bring a recipe for each person
- If you can't make it to this party, bring your treats the day before.
- Prizes will be given for the best packaged treat!
Tips for a successful exchange!
- Decide what type of sweet exchange you are going to host and send guest invitations.
- Send Save the Date cards early enough so people have time to plan.
- Send your invitations at least 1 week in advance
- Prepare menu and refreshments.
- Plan to give prizes for best holiday attire, sweet's presentation ect..
- Play holiday music on low
- Have your camera ready and takes lots of photos.
- Holiday games are always a fun way to spend time with friends. Prizes are always good for the winners of the game.
- Have a variety of beverages including decaffinated or Non alcholic to appeal to everyone
- Enjoy your time with Friends, Family and Guests!
16 days till Christmas Game Countdown: Pengoloo

16 Days till Christmas Countdown: PENGOLOO
Welcome to the South Pole! Our penquins are ready to play with you. Roll the dice and look for the matching color eggs under the penquins. The first to collect 6 penquins WINS!! Memory and a little luck will help you succeed in this fun South Pole Eggspedition!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wood Block Snowman

- 1 set of 6 blocks
- 1 12x12 dot paper
- Rub on face
- 1 yd ribbon
- White and Black acrylic paint
- Paint 4 of the Blocks white.. Let dry
- Paint 2 of the Blocks black...Let Dry
- Rub FACE on small white block
- HAT: Cut and glue paper to black block on 4 sides(leave top and bottom black)
- SCARF/TIE: Tie 1 yd ribbon around your snowman
- Embellish as desired.. (Add stickers, glitter, buttons, ect...)
Its Easy as 1-2-3! Come visit us today for more ideas for Christmas!
17 days till Christmas game countdown: Dweebies

17 Days till Christmas Game Countdown: DWEEBIES 2- 6 players.
Meet the Dweebies! These uniquely colorful characters are you to capture your heart, but you must capture them first! Round up Dweebies by matching cards on both ends of any row. Seems simple at first.. but Dweebies can be tricky, and some will disappear before they've met their match! Collect the most cards and consider yourself the Dweebie-in-Chef! Only 10.99! Stop in today and recieve a special coupon to use on this Game. 1 coupon per family per day! This will make a GREAT Christmas gift and small enough to fit in a stocking!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Christmas Mistletoe Kissing Krystals

Legend of the Mistletoe:
Kissing underthe Mistletoe is an old European tradition. It is believed that the Mistletoe holds magical powers from the "soul" of the mighty Oak tree. It grants strength, peace, health, fertility, and love to those who kiss beneath it.
Come in and get your own Mistletoe Kissing Krystal. We have 3 different sizes and have them for 25% off thru December 14th. Hurry in while supplies last!
18 days till Christmas Game Countdown: Double Shutter

Double Shutter from Blue Orange
This game will always stay at hand with its challenging play and attractive colorful design. Roll two dice, add the dots and find the best combination of numbers to shut down two rows of 9 tiles. Very few can shut all the tiles and close the super box. Even fewer can stop playing this addictive game!Stop by the store to receive a special coupon from Renee to use on this fun game TODAY only!! 1 coupon per family per day!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tealight Ornaments

- Tall battery operated tealight holder
- Wire
- Beads
- Hold Punch ( 1/8"-1/16" hole)
- Stickers of your choice.
- Punch Holes in Top of Tall Tealight holder.
- Place beads on wire and insert wire into holes on tealight holder twisting wire to close.
- Attach stickers of choice as desired.
- Turn on tealight and ENJOY!
**Special Note Blow on top or Tap to turn tealight on and off **
19 Days till Christmas game countdown: Castle Keep
Transport yourself to a time when protecting your possessions meant defending your keep, the most secure part of the castle. Keeps were often called "great towers" because of their imposing structure - walls over 10 feet thick and 75 feet high. They served various functions, from last resort strongholds during battle to sites of castle dungeons. While there are few remaining keeps still standing today, you can get a small taste of what it was like to build and defend a castle in this game that is simple to learn, yet full of strategy and decision-making elements that will challenge all ages.
Come vist our store today for a special coupon on this game GOOD TODAY ONLY! 1 coupon per family per day!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Glass Block Banks

This bank is easy to make and looks great
Supplies Needed:
Glass Block
Diamond Glaze
Picture copied onto Glossy photo paper (we used a 8x10)
Vinyl Letters to spell word or
Pre-cut vinyl
(we cut vinyl sheets with in store accucut)
· Cut your photo to fit the back of block so picture is showing through block
· Make sure your block opening is at the top of the block
· With a fine line, spread diamond glaze around back edge of block
· Place picture on back of block
· Let Dry
· Place vinyl word or letters onto the front of block, on the lower half, so that the upper part of your picture shows through.
· If desired, you can glue something fun to the top corner, such as the golf ball pictured above. (E6000 glue works best)
20 Days till Christmas Game Countdown: Qwirkle
While Qwirkle is as simple as matching colors and shapes, it is a game that also requires tactical maneuvers and well-planned strategy. The game consists of 108 wooden blocks with six different shapes in six colors. Using the blocks, players attempt to score the most points by building lines that share a common attribute - either color or shape. Qwirkle is a quick game to learn, but you'll soon discover that you'll need to think strategically in order to score the most points. Come into the store to recieve a special coupon at our game table.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
21 Days till Christmas Game Countdown: WIG OUT

A wild and hairy Card game Flip your wig for this fast and frenzied card game that will put your frizzy in a tizzy! Race against your opponents to get rid of cards by matching all kinds of colorful hairstyles. Put together a pair of pigtails. Combine a couple of cornrows. Match a mullet or some Mohawks. The first player our of cards is a cut above the rest. Ages 6+2-6 playersPlaytime: 12 minutes Winner of 4 awards.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
22 Days till Christmas Game Countdown: Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride from Days of Wonder Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure. Players collect cards of various types of train cars that enable them to claim railway routs connecting cities throughout North America. The longer the routes, the more point they earn. Additional points come to those who can fulfill their Destination Tickets by connecting two distant cities, and to the player who builds the longest continuous railway. So Climb aboard for some railroading fun and adventure. Pick up USA…Europe…Marklin… The Card Games…delivers all of the excitement, fun and nail-biting tension of the original Ticket to Ride board game, but with several unique game play twis in a new stand-alone, card game format. USA 1910 expansion...All aboard for a new adventure across the North American continent. This expansion includes 181 large format cards, with 39 new destination tickets, a new globe trotter bonus card, and a rules booklet with three new ways to play. This expansion will fundamentally alter your strategies and tactics. Europe the expansion
Friday, December 2, 2011
Hair Bows
23 days to Christmas game countdown

Let the five dice roll you to a win with Yamslam! Calculated risk and smart strategy will place the odds in your favor. Roll the dice and choose those that will get you the best results. Each combination has a different point value but only 4 corresponding chipsSo get the best ones before they run out! Race your friends to the special bonuses and keep they suspense rolling until the end with Yamslam! **Outstanding game of skill and fun for everyone of all ages! Stevanne Auerbach –Dr. Toy 10 best games
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Glass Vase/Bowl Decorations

2. Ornaments in a bowl: Add 1 candle in the middle of bowl, add festive ornaments to match the decor in your home.
3. Add festive colored vase fillers in the vase. Add your floral of choice.
Its easy as 1-2-3
24 days till Christmas Game Countdown: Fast Track

FAST TRACK from Blue Orange. READY, AIM, SCORE! With FastTrack,the action is NON STOP! Using the elastic cord, be quick and aim well to be the first to sen all of the disks zooming across to the other side. WARNING: Once you start, you just cant stop! Come into the store today for a special coupon. One coupon per family per day.
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