Anything is possible, one stroke at a time (tm)

Zentangle helps reduce stress and improve focus. This relaxing process turns drawings into artistic design. It can be done anywhere and no "artistic" talent is needed. Embellish scrapbooks, journals, paintings, quilts art, ATC's and cards. There is no limit to creativity
Liz at the airport doing her zentangle
We carry 6 different books, pens, colors to embellish your art work. Add sprarkle to your tangles with pens, spritz, watercolors, pencils and chalk.
Interested in learning?
Come in and talk to Liz or Renee' and they will show you how!
Join Renee and Liz on the 4th Saturday of the month at 1:00 for Zantangle Time!!

Zentangle can be done by almost any age...Children, Teens and Adults
Most younger children find it easier to draw big while they are still developing dexterity.
Teens and tweens love to draw Tangles.
Get started today!